Köstenthaler Köstenthaler Köstenthaler Köstenthaler Köstenthaler Köstenthaler
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Partners KÖstenthalerhof

SCM Italia - Webdesign

FunCar Autovermietung - rent a car - rent a scooter

»  Reiseportal: travelfoxy.com

»  Hotels / accommodations in South Tyrol: suedtirol-it.net

»  Holidays region Meraner Land: www.meranerland.com

You want to make a backlink to us? Here you find the guidance:


Simply copy the text link into your source code, where he is to appear on your web page:

a) for a link to our Website - www.koestenthaler.com:

b) for a link to our Photo-Gallery: <a href="http://www.http://koestenthaler.com/gallery/index.php" target="_blank">Link zur Koestenthalerhof Foto-Gallery</a>


Banner - 180 x 44 Pixel:

    Köstenthaler Banner

Guidance for links with a banner:

Lead the Mouse on desired banner, right click on your mouse, select in menu "graphic save under", insert the banners in suitable place in your homepage. Banner with a link to http://www.http://koestenthaler.com look at Textlinks.

If you want, we do this work for you..